Bring Me That Horizon!
Avast mates, it’s been a year (some would say, “the longest ever”) and here we are, still battling the plague!
There have been many changes in this time – good and bad. Mates lost, jobs set aside, struggles at all corners to survive in uncertain times…some who’ve excelled at helping their communities, stepping into the breach (or the bleach in some cases) to serve, protect and uplift those around them. Of course, we all recognize the ongoing work of First Responders (and they’ve worked far above the call of duty), but we also salute the average citizen for their tireless work in keeping themselves & others safe; whether making sure their elderly neighbour is safe and stocked with necessities, or making sure their staff can pay rent – and have a job to return to during closures.

Our Master Gunner has battled two cancers (in remission from both after treatment & surgery) and the onset of diabetes. He continues to adjust his lifestyle to heal and grow stronger. Some we know have similar health issues, and we keep a weather eye on them as well.
We won’t be gathering this year (2021) as the plague is still among us. Vaccines are finally rolling out, but this is only the start of our recovery and will take some time before we are all inoculated. We all need to continue to be mindful of our health and the health of others – both physical & mental.
Support local businesses & artists as yer able, order online if available, uplift others as necessary (a kind word never goes awry).
As our good mate, Ms. Lurain has said:
When we offer no conclusions, when we can contribute no assistance, when we strike fear without providing hope, we are playing the same game as those we despise. It is in the best interests of our readers, and our World, that we move helpful, constructive, uplifting information around. When we consider the force of our words & deeds, public & private, on everybody as more important than our agenda no matter how righteous, we will truly begin to change Human nature. Inspire solution rather than conflict. Share. Care. Be Aware.
LuRain Penny