Until We Cross Paths Again…

Until We Cross Paths Again…

There is one consistent fact about “passing a good time” in Louisiana (or anywhere, really); it always seems to end too soon! 2018 marks an official decade o’ gatherings in New Orleans and it’s surrounding territories…ten years o’ community involvement, meeting new mates, discovering new treasure and sharing the food, drink, history & culture that…

Meet The Crew – 2018

Meet The Crew – 2018

NOLA Pyrate Week wouldn’t be complete without our annual gathering at Pirates Alley Café & Olde Absinthe House! Proprietors, Thais & Tony have been strong supporters o’ this venture from the beginning – and valued members o’ our Crew. Friday night (30 March) at 9pm, join us in Pirates Alley as we celebrate our Tenth Year…

Walking – No Planks

Walking – No Planks

First, more news for Family Pyrate Day – Food & Other Goodies: Kona Ice, Cocoa & Cream Catering, Confetti Kids will be serving Red Beans & Rice, Hotdogs, baked treats & Kid friendly drinks! Be sure to explore the neighborhood and definitely visit our mates up the block at the historic Cita Dennis Hubbell Library (725 Pelican Avenue)…word has it, they’re hosting…

Family Pyrate Day In Algiers

Family Pyrate Day In Algiers

Aye, we said it, our first annual FAMILY Pyrate Day in Old Algiers Point – ye don’t want to miss out! Saturday, 25 March, 11am – 5pm 601 Patterson Rd., Algiers, New Orleans, LA Presented in accord with our mates (and designated charitable organization) Confetti Kids, who are doing great things for the community! They’ve…