A Share O’ The Treasure

A Share O’ The Treasure

Avast, mates! It’s officially been a dozen years that we’ve been on this adventure! From our first gatherings in New Orleans (post Federal Flood), helping rebuild & restore, to visiting locales across Louisiana; sharing Pyrate history and assisting/volunteering with community groups as we’re able. Acquaintances have become mates, mates have become family – and the…

Until We Cross Paths Again…

Until We Cross Paths Again…

There is one consistent fact about “passing a good time” in Louisiana (or anywhere, really); it always seems to end too soon! 2018 marks an official decade o’ gatherings in New Orleans and it’s surrounding territories…ten years o’ community involvement, meeting new mates, discovering new treasure and sharing the food, drink, history & culture that…

Family Pyrate Day 2018

Family Pyrate Day 2018

It’s 300 years for New Orleans and 10 years for NOLA Pyrate Week! Artisans, Authors, Merchants o’ all kinds…it’s time to get yerself prepared for the annual Family Pyrate Day – Sat. 7 April! While some o’ the particulars are yet to be confirmed (exact location, minimum donation…), the general idea hasn’t changed. In the…

GIVE Something Back

GIVE Something Back

As ye may know, our official motto is: Take what ye can, GIVE  something back!™ We do our best to  stand by that and hope ye will to – supporting charitable groups that support and uplift the community. It’s not always about giving money (though that certainly helps), but often giving in other ways –…