Thank Ye…

A quick THANK YE to all who joined our merry crew for the Merchants Market – and a special thank ye to our mate Cheryl of Audubon for graciously hosting us at the Aquarium! Despite some rather heavy winds on Saturday, everyone had a good (if somewhat tiring) weekend and we all made new connections…

Rebuilding The Lower Ninth Ward

[notice type=attention]Our mates at are hard at work bringing community back to the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, but they can always use a little help. The following letter outlines how ye can give ’em a hand – even at arms length! Please have a read and help where/how ye can.[/notice] Season’s greetings…

Stone Harbour Memories

Once again we thank the generous nature of our mates at Stone Harbour Press for providing a week at this spectacular vacation spot as a prize – it was also instrumental in raising funds for our charities. Be sure to check out Pamela Johnson’s book “Heart Of A Pirate – A Novel Of Anne Bonny”…