What’s A
“Pyrate Week”?
From the last weekend of March through the first weekend of April every year, the citizens of New Orleans celebrate NOLA Pyrate Week – 10 days of swashbuckling, art, music, food, events and general camaraderie among the Pyrates of Louisiana – past & present – and their mates from around the globe!
We’ve taken all the fun and also made it meaningful – throughout the 10 days Pyrates give back to the city they love…everything from volunteering with rebuilding projects like lowernine.org, cleaning Bayous with BTNEP, participating with community organizations like Goodchildren SAPC, NoLARising, VillaLobos Rescue Centre, Confetti Kids and many others. We have helped raise thousands of dollars in donations and spent hundreds of hours of volunteer service to local organizations throughout Louisiana.
NOLA Pyrate Week was originally conceived and developed in the heart of New Orleans, (shortly after the Hurricanes & Federal Flood o’ 2005) by a small group of like minded “Pyrates of The New World” – now joined by many other Pyrates, Artists, Musicians, Community/Charitable Organizations, Krewes, Local Businesses and other citizens who support our creed: “Take what ye can…GIVE something back!”™
It’s not an “event”, rather an annual “gathering” where Pyrates – and those who enjoy the culture, history and joie de vivre o’ the Pyrate legend – arrive in New Orleans from across the State and around the world. We pass a good time, certainly, but we also do what we’re able to make things better for all in our communities and all around us.
New Orleans
New Orleans. Pyrates. Do we really need to explain it?
Well, for those who napped through history class, the City of New Orleans and south through the bayous of Terrebonne, Barataria and beyond have been home to some of the most (in)famous Pyrates in the new world; Jean & Pierre Laffite, Renato Beluche, Dominique Youx, Bartholomé Lafon (the “Architect of New Orleans”) and their associates were drawn to the mix of music, art, culture (and opportunity) that is the lifeblood of New Orleans – and they helped it grow – in fact they were instrumental in helping the US win The Battle Of New Orleans (War of 1812), helping make it a US state!
There’s a lot to love about Louisiana, especially the richness of it’s culture and the personality of it’s people – many of it’s citizens came for a visit…and made it their home! While we fondly refer to it as “the northernmost island of the Caribbean”, it is largely because of it’s ties to the Gulf of Mexico and the wetlands and waterways throughout the State – it’s variety of cultures influenced by so many nations arriving in one place.
There is still a lot of work to be done in restoring New Orleans – and in fact, Louisiana – to it’s former glory; and in many cases simply saving it’s land and culture! There are many who have taken the task of rebuilding, restoring and preserving to heart…WE are some o’ those people! The Pyrates come to celebrate, but also come to help by lending strong backs, steady hands and loud voices to rebuild, raise funds and awareness by making their second home a place to be proud of!
Join us, volunteer – and take in the music, art, culture (and opportunity) of one of the oldest and greatest cities in North America – the Pyrates are givin’ back!
Giving Back
Our mission has grown in the years since starting NOLA Pyrate Week…but one thing remains consistent – giving back!

As “Pyrates Of The New World”, our initial Mission was to promote awareness and attention to the city of New Orleans – still recovering from the effects of the “Federal Flood” during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (for more information about this visit levees.org).
Our mission has grown – logically – to include the rest of Louisiana; from the Bayous in the south (without them, New Orleans would not exist and all of Louisiana’s culture & history will be washed out to sea), to the Prairies in the west (where Sugar Cane, Cotton, Rice & Crawfish are the main crops). We strive to combine the best elements of volunteerism, fund raising events, New Orleans & Louisiana culture and, of course, Pyrates! NOLA Pyrate Week participants get involved by volunteering their time and talents with programs aiding the communities of New Orleans. All the while enjoying the hospitality, culture, charm, and excitement of this great City! Many local individuals, Krewes and business establishments in New Orleans have joined in with their enthusiasm and eagerness to showcase the culture, history and beauty of their beloved city!
NOLA Pyrate Week is organized by people who believe in the Dirty Coast mantra; “Be A New Orleanian Wherever You Are” – folks who love New Orleans and it’s culture (this is why so many people in New Orleans are not originally from New Orleans, or even Louisiana – and why people from New Orleans who have moved elsewhere always keep in touch with the city). The two primary organizers of NOLA Pyrate Week travel from Canada each year, collaborating with their mates who live in the State – without this combined effort, these 10 days wouldn’t be as special as they are! Of course it takes most of the year to plan and create, but it’s all about spreading the love (and awareness) for the City of New Orleans, the State o’ Louisiana, it’s culture and it’s people to a worldwide audience!

Through volunteering, we help promote & support organizations like lowernine.org, The Green Project, NOLa Rising, Gulf Restoration Network, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP), Villalobos Rescue Center, ARC and many others – and the tremendous tasks they all manage on a daily basis. In addition, we always support/promote artists, musicians, chefs, writers, pubs, restaurants, historic locations…and everything related to history & culture!
We hold fund raising events to help create awareness and support different organizations/causes. The event/organizers do not profit from this event (of course we’re always willing to parley with a sponsor or two to help cover expenses and expand the event). In addition to the many individuals who help out, we are grateful to city organizations such as the New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau, the NOPD, the local media (radio, TV, press) and everyone who believes in what we are doing!
Transportation to and from New Orleans and accommodation will be up to everyone who comes to participate in NOLA Pyrate Week – though we will assist in referring ye to some great deals where we’re able.
There are opportunities for both local and visiting Artists, Artisans and Merchants to exhibit and sell during the one day “Pyrate Market” (a tradition largely founded by Jean Laffite) – promoted throughout New Orleans and beyond. Many entertainers and venues have come on board – keep up with the events by joining the email list.
Come be a part of the Pyratical adventures during NOLA Pyrate Week…bring yer mates – and make new ones!