A large part of what NOLA Pyrate Week stands for is GIVING BACK – helping out those who need, however we are able.
We help raise awareness (Pyrates tend to be hard to ignore) and thousands of dollars have been shared among the charities, families & communities we support. Fundraising promotion continues throughout the year – all donation links on this page are directly connected to the organizations they support. YE can always volunteer your time and talents to these organizations, or toss a few doubloons along to help them with supplies & expenses!
Here are a few kind words from folk who don’t mind sharing in Pyrate treasure…
Thank you for your donation! (Gulf Restoration Network)
Thank You! (Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program)
Thank You For Your Donation (Goodchildren SAPC)
Our volunteers did an incredible job working with lowernine.org – and we continue to support their efforts. Thanks to Rick, Laura, Lauren & Matt for giving Pyrates the opportunity to help out! Volunteer/support lowernine.org – even one day helps rebuild family homes & communities! Click here to find out all about it.
The cost of rebuilding a house in the Lower Ninth Ward using only volunteer labor runs in the $12,000 – $17,000 range.
Our mate (and lowernine.org neighbour), Roy (who bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain Trumpet player…) talks about his experience.
LowerNine.org: A non-profit organization dedicated to training residents and volunteers in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the numerous skills necessary to bring this century-old historic neighbourhood back to life in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. These skills run the gamut from basic to advanced house construction and rebuilding, but also include community gardening projects, emotional and social support services, social outreach and community development. We offer our services to all people, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical abilities, religious beliefs or economic status. The Lower Ninth Ward, due to its proximity to the Industrial Canal levee breach, was one of the hardest-hit neighbourhoods in the New Orleans area. Rebuilding in the Lower Nine has lagged behind that of other neighbourhoods as a result of poverty, the scale of the devastation and local, state and federal government inaction. To DONATE DIRECTLY to lowernine.org or to VOLUNTEER, visit their website.
We are committed to preserving and rebuilding the wetlands of South Louisiana…
without them, we all sink!
We were proud to be part o’ the first Bayou Terrebonne Cleanup…The Botanist, The Pageant Queen/Lawyer, The Fashion Model/Musician…and the Pyrate.
“Armed with our small army of volunteers, on March 31, 2012, the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program held the first annual BTNEP Cleanup Bayou Lafourche event. The event was designed to remove trash from 106 miles of Bayou Lafourche in a three-hour time span. We held a series of workshops where Alma Robichaux, BTNEP Education Coordinator, discussed with the site captains plans for the half-day cleanup.After the cleanup, the Nicholls State University Geomatics Class calculated the results of the trash removal from tally sheets used by our Site Captains. A public presentation was given on May 10 revealing the results. Over 1200 volunteers collected 17.97 tons of trash, averaging about 350 pounds of trash per linear mile along the bayou.”

If ye join, donate or otherwise help out these organizations, we’d appreciate ye mentioning The Pyrates sent ye!

The Gulf Restoration Network is committed to uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Region for future generations.
The Gulf of Mexico will continue to be a natural, economic, and recreational resource that is central to the culture and heritage of five states and several nations. The people of the region will be stewards of this vital but imperilled treasure, and assume the responsibility of returning the Gulf to its previous splendour.
The seven priority issues of the network:
1. Stopping pollutant discharges;
2. Reducing polluted runoff;
3. Reducing Corps of Engineers’ permitting and projects destructive of the environment;
4. Requiring sustainable management of Gulf fisheries;
5. Limiting coastal development, beach armoring, and resulting habitat destruction;
6. Protection of threatened and endangered species;
7. Limiting development of offshore mineral resources.
Save the Gulf now! DONATE or JOIN GRN – everything helps!
Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program – a partnership of government, business, scientists, conservation organizations, agricultural interests, and individuals for the preservation, protection, and restoration of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary in southeast Louisiana. Visit the website.

Bayou Grace Community Services – “Providing Hope and Sustainability for the 5 Bayous”; Bayou Grace mobilizes local and national community in the restoration and protection of coastal Louisiana, with a focus on the rural five bayou communities of lower Terrebonne Parish. Visit the website.

Keep Louisiana Beautiful – A non-profit organization established in 2000, Keep Louisiana Beautiful brings people together to build and sustain vibrant, clean communities. Through our programs and a statewide network of affiliates, we provide the right tools and resources to prevent litter, reduce waste, increase recycling, and protect the natural resources of our communities. Our mission is to promote personal, corporate, and community responsibility for a clean and beautiful Louisiana. Visit the website.

The Green Project: A non-profit organization dedicated to creatively promoting and encouraging environmental sustainability in New Orleans. We recycle building materials and paint, deconstruct homes and salvage usable materials. We operate a building materials recycling store, promote community involvement and environmental activities, offer community space to other community-based organizations, and serve as an environmental reference resource for the Greater New Orleans area. Some of the things you might do as a volunteer at The Green Project include: organizing building materials in our warehouse, maintaining our garden center, managing our recycling, developing community outreach programs, assisting in our office, or assisting in our paint department. Our needs are different every day. Just show up with a positive attitude and we’ll find a way for you to help! To help out or donate, visit the website.

Villalobos Rescue Center: (As seen on Animal Planet’s, “Pit Bulls & Parolees”) This 501(c)3 is not only the largest Pit Bull Rescue in North America, it is likely one o’ the largest dog rescue centers in the world (they do have many dogs of other breeds at any time) – AND is also giving recent Parolees in New Orleans a chance for hope & redemption back into society. Parolees form an integral part o’ the staff working daily with the dogs, the center, giving tours and more; as the motto says, “Saving Man & His Best Friend”. Visit the website for more.
Ye may make a general donation to NOLA Pyrate Week…Donations o’ yer doubloons are greatly appreciated and assist the crew in helping others. We put everything we have into this gathering – all our treasure goes back into the local economy; one way or the other! We do occasionally find ourselves a mite short & yer doubloons help with costs associated with the basics – transportation, meals, the occasional bar o’ soap…and on rare occasions, crossing the palm o’ the right people to make things go smoothly! We are not-for-profit (though nothing official) and are always grateful to those who support us – and we’ll always support ye in yer endeavours…sometimes ye’ll get a couple o’ our own doubloons in return! Click the coin to help…
If ye’d like to be an Official Sponsor, please read on & contact us.