The Code

By using our web site, ye agree to the terms as set out on this page.
We reserve the right to revise, amend, or modify these terms as we deem necessary.
Should our privacy policy change in any way, the latest version will always be posted here.

Copyright & Trademarks

All content herein – including, but not limited to – the name “NOLA Pyrate Week” (including mis-spellings of NOLA “Pirate” Week etc.), all content on the site, the NOLA Pyrate Week logo (port facing skull, crossed daggers, Fleur de Lys, title & all wording), and any other content, ideas or events herein mentioned are the exclusive and sole property of NOLA Pyrate Week & it’s crew. There are many people who assist in making this a fun & meaningful event and we gladly credit them for it, but we are also protective of our brand and it’s image – anyone claiming to represent NOLA Pyrate Week or it’s associated brands should be verified through the contact form on this website.

The name NOLA Pyrate Week, NOLA Pyrate Society, The Pyrates Union and The Pyrates Image are wholly owned copyrights of  Capt. John Swallow (aka Edd Scorpio) and QM Seika Hellbound (aka Seika Groves). The following names and/or combinations/mis-spellings of (especially including the spelling of Pyrate, Pyrat or Pirate) are all included trademarks: NOLA Pyrate Week, Houma Pyrate Day, Family Pyrate Day, Pyrate Education Day, Pyrate History Day, NOLA Pirate Week, Pyrates Week, Pyrateweek, NOLA Pyrate Fest, New Orleans Pyrate Fest…and any new combinations as required.

The phrase Take what ye can, GIVE something back! is our official byline and trademark. The phrases The Buccaneer stops here, It takes a pillage, Fun up to yer Buccaneers (and any new combinations as required) are also used as trademarks of NOLA Pyrate Week, The Pyrates Union and The Pyrates Image – as is A Nite O’ Jolly Rogerin’.

Additionally, any images, photos, video or other media, in any format now in existence or in future, taken o’ any o’ the crew at, during or in support/promotion o’ these gatherings, is – by the terms o’ “fair use” – at our discretion to use for all time and without any compensation to the original creator o’ said media (notwithstanding a mention/credit in cases where it may be warranted at our discretion). Any o’ these images/media may not be sold in any format for any reason or compensation without signed permission from the Captain & Quartermaster and Model Releases from anyone in the photo.

Use of any of this information is subject to the following terms:

  • ye may distribute and disseminate information about NOLA Pyrate Week as long as you do so in a fair and honourable way and include a link back to this website (

  • all information must contain a link to this website (

  • any logos, banners or other representative text or graphics must identify and link to this website (

  • no email addresses for any NOLA Pyrate Week crew are to be posted in any public forum, blog, website or other online directory – please list only the website address.

  • anyone contravening these guidelines may be flogged, keelhauled, strung up from the yardarm, or used as gator bait – at the Quartermaster’s discretion!


We all value our privacy – and we value your trust in us.

No personally identifiable information is collected without yer knowledge; certain statistics are recorded in order to track visitors to the site and pages viewed. Any information you may willingly provide us is securely kept for our use & records only – and to provide you with the best possible experience at NOLA Pyrate Week and in New Orleans. Nothing will ever be sold to third parties, however it may in certain cases be shared outside the organization in order to facilitate discounted lodging, volunteer opportunities, or related NOLA Pyrate Week activities.

We may contact you by email or phone only when deemed necessary to complete a transaction or answer your questions. We may keep your information on file for future contact.

Information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement authorities only if legally subpoenaed and only in conjunction with our legal representation.

Anyone requiring further information should contact us.