New Orleans Book Festival

NOLA Pyrate Week is proud to both sponsor & participate in the New Orleans Book Festival inside the amazing  Audubon Zoo on Saturday, March 19 from 10am – 5pm. The Book Festival is bringing together authors, educators, readers (and potential readers) in one of the world’s most beautiful Zoos for a day to enjoy everything…

NOLA Pyrate Week 2011

Avast ye rogues & scallawags, ’tis that time again! Time to gather yerselves & yer crew together and come join us in New Orleans for some grand fun & good work. Mark yer charts from Friday, March 25 thru Sunday, April 3…more news to follow as agreements are tendered and parlay continues! We’ve been a…

Rebuilding The Lower Ninth Ward

[notice type=attention]Our mates at are hard at work bringing community back to the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, but they can always use a little help. The following letter outlines how ye can give ’em a hand – even at arms length! Please have a read and help where/how ye can.[/notice] Season’s greetings…

The Big Uneasy

The Big Uneasy

As of this writing (Nov. 2010)…five years ago, a disaster struck New Orleans. The media said it was a natural disaster primarily affecting poor black people. On both counts, the media was wrong. In his feature–length documentary The Big Uneasy, humorist and New Orleans resident Harry Shearer gets the inside story of a disaster that…

Rising Tide Conference NOLA

[blockquote color=orange]I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. (Edward Everett Hale)[/blockquote] Restore, Rebuild, Rise Up! On August 28, 2010, New Orleans hosts the 5th annual…