Draw A Bead On It…

Draw A Bead On It…

Well, not drawing so much as sorting, wrapping, bagging…RECYCLING beads and throws form Mardi Gras and assorted other parades throughout the area! Join us if yer able, Tues. 3 April (10:00am – 1:00pm) Volunteer Bead Sorting at ARC-GNO! This is a great organization that we ‘met’ many years ago – purchasing crawfish sacks full o’ recycled…

Meet The Crew – 2018

Meet The Crew – 2018

NOLA Pyrate Week wouldn’t be complete without our annual gathering at Pirates Alley Café & Olde Absinthe House! Proprietors, Thais & Tony have been strong supporters o’ this venture from the beginning – and valued members o’ our Crew. Friday night (30 March) at 9pm, join us in Pirates Alley as we celebrate our Tenth Year…

Family Pyrate Day 2018

Family Pyrate Day 2018

It’s 300 years for New Orleans and 10 years for NOLA Pyrate Week! Artisans, Authors, Merchants o’ all kinds…it’s time to get yerself prepared for the annual Family Pyrate Day – Sat. 7 April! While some o’ the particulars are yet to be confirmed (exact location, minimum donation…), the general idea hasn’t changed. In the…