Be Happy…

There’s a lot o’ talk these days about what to call this season or how to greet folks…
Well as ye probably know, we Pyrates don’t stand much on ceremony (well, not on LAND at any rate), so we wish ye all the same thing: BE HAPPY! Whatever path ye follow or sea ye sail, may ye have what ye want and want what ye have (and appreciate it), share what ye can and return to port safely whenever ye venture out!
Look after yerselves, yer family, yer mates and yer environment (especially the wetlands/rivers/lakes/oceans)…share yer knowledge, that others may become wiser – listen to others that ye may be wiser yerself! Don’t wait for a “special occasion” to give a gift or tell someone ye appreciate them – do it whenever yer able.
We look for’ard to meeting more o’ ye this coming spring 2013 for the Fifth Annual NOLA Pyrate Week (Mar. 29 – Apr. 7)…it’s always an adventure!